
Symptoms of a Faulty Ignition Key in a Mercedes

Mercedes vehicles come with the experience of exceptional luxury and performance, and have remained one of the most globally-recognized automotive brands on the market for decades. If you own a Mercedes, chances are you’re probably overall pleased with it; however, just like any other car or machine, things tend to wear out and require replacement over time.

Some Mercedes drivers may experience issues with their ignition keys—especially in older models. Although, with recent developments in technology, ignition keys have begun to be phased out and replaced with keyless entries, remotes, and key fobs. Ignition keys can begin to malfunction for many reasons, and it’s important to understand the technology your specific car uses to allow the key to work. If your Mercedes’ key isn’t working properly, here is some more information about what the problem could be related to and how to fix it.

Ignition key or keyless entry remote

The type of key your Mercedes utilizes will dictate the route of diagnosis and methods of problem-solving when something goes wrong with it. In older Mercedes models, an ignition key may be the primary method of starting, entering, and locking your car. Newer Mercedes models utilize keyless entry remotes or key fobs. We’ll talk a little bit about both of these in the following sections:

Inconsistency in function

Key fobs and keyless entries can begin to lose battery life, become worn-out, or require re-programming, making them inconsistent and unreliable. If you find that sometimes the key fob doesn’t always work the first time around, you might need to bring your key fob in for servicing. Mercedes drivers with manual keys might also begin to encounter difficulty with the efficiency of the key’s ability to start the ignition or to unlock the doors. Over time, keys themselves can also become worn out, and you may need to order a replacement key.

Reduced remote signal distance

Key fobs and ignition keys may not work at remote distances when they begin to malfunction. Again, this could be due to a loss of battery life in the ignition key or a need for reprogramming. If you notice your key has begun to only function when close to your car, then it might be time to have an automotive specialist take a look at it.

What else could be the problem?

While there could be simply an issue with the key or key fob itself, there are other reasons why your ignition key might not work properly. One of the most common reasons why your Mercedes’ ignition key might not be working correctly is due to a faulty ignition switch.

Faulty ignition switch

Because the ignition switch is used so frequently, it can accumulate dust and debris over time. This is especially true for traditional ignition switches. If the issue is related to your ignition switch and not necessarily your ignition key, then you may notice other symptoms, like stalling, difficulty starting, or inability to direct power to the interior cabin lights or accessories console.

Why it’s important to hire a Mercedes specialist

Since Mercedes’ designs are particular and unique, having a Mercedes specialist diagnose the issue with your ignition key and fix it is critical. If you do need to replace the key or the ignition switch, then it’s important to make sure that the shop you bring your Mercedes to uses only quality, certified parts that will work best for your specific vehicle.

How we can help you

The Mercedes experts here at Import Motorworx have serviced a range of Mercedes vehicles from clients in the areas of Lawndale, Culver City, West Los Angeles, and South Bay, CA, giving us a diverse background of experience. We focus our energy on preventative automotive care in order to save our clients money in repairs—when you own a Mercedes, this kind of service is generally tough to find. If you own a Mercedes or any other European import vehicle, please contact our shop to learn more about how we can keep your car running optimally and performing its best at all times. Issues like ignition key failure put a dent in your daily lives and wallets. Contact us today to schedule a quick, affordable, and accurate diagnostic procedure for your Mercedes.

Written by Developer Autoshop